Walk this way – Melbourne boy on track for the world stage in Milan

Mitchell Houghton is living proof that with enough persistence, you can reach your goals.

Having recently signed with Vivien’s Model Management, he has been shortlisted to walk in Milan Fashion Week.

Originally from Hampton, New Zealand, he moved to Australia with little more than a dream. “I moved to Melbourne just over three years ago knowing less people than I could count on one hand for the opportunities and creative environment.”

“I think Melbourne fashion is very diverse and gives most people a way to express themselves. I think it’s very interesting to see the way people rework different trends to suit their own personal style.”

Mitchell Houghton. Photo by Jack Blackwell.

Mitchell has been modelling on and off since he was 18 years old, while also running his own creative side businesses but had never begun to take it seriously as a possible career path until signing with an agency, which happened fairly quickly.

“Before I got into modelling I was working on a few different fashion projects including; running an online store and starting a leather accessories label. Between working full time and trying to manage going to the gym and these projects I needed to take a step back and focus on what I was most excited about.”

“I think for a while I was waiting to be miraculously scouted but due to it being such a saturated environment where everyone on Instagram is a model, it’s something you have to be proactive about if you are serious about it.”

“But from submitting candids to different agencies within a week or so I had interest from a few agencies and in the end decided to go with a reputable agency like Vivien’s. I am very excited about being represented by Vivien’s as it is such an established and well-recognised agency within the industry.”

Since signing with Vivien’s Mitchell has hit the ground running, doing campaigns for the Kevin Murphy 2017/18 Global Campaign for men’s grooming products and various fashion publications.

“I really enjoyed shooting with Kevin Murphy as it was a big international campaign and that was fashion, film and photos. It was a great opportunity and was good to get experience working with film and also with other models.”

“I also recently had to do an editorial submission for PUSS PUSS magazine where I was shooting with a ginger grumpy cat that did not want to be photographed, it arrived in a black BMW with tinted windows and then the whole team had to wait for this cat to come out of its carrier, only to have it run behind the backdrop once it finally was lured out…It lasted about 30 seconds before it was back behind the sheet.”

Mitchell Houghton. Photo by Jack Blackwell.

Despite working with diva grumpy cats, Mitchell’s professionalism and relaxed but high end look has caught the eye of the right people.

“Every year Vivien’s submits a collection of their models to different casting directors in Milan as an opportunity for them to see some fresh faces for runway shows. I was selected for a men’s show, which required me to send a casting reel of my walk, an introduction, and some new Polaroids.”

“I am still waiting to see the outcome of this but it’s exciting to have international interest at such early stages of my modelling and regardless of the outcome I think the opportunities that will come out of being seen by the casting directors will open up a lot of doors for me.”

For now Mitchell is hoping his modelling will take him to Milan and beyond, setting his sights towards the international industry.

“I am really taking it as it comes, saying yes to everything at this stage to gain as much experience as possible and get as much exposure as I can. I am really hoping to travel with modelling and get to visit places I haven’t been and revisit places I have loved before.”

Author: amysullivanweb

Journalism and Communications graduate

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